Divin Sweet & Fresh

Base Divin Seltzer
Oh Oh Honey


  • 10cl DIVIN
  • 3cl Vodka
  • 1,5cl honey
  • 2cl cucumber juice
  • Cucumber slices


  1. Take a large glass, glass balloon type in Spritz
  2. Pour the ingredients into a shaker, add a few ice cubes!
  3. Shake!
  4. Put the cucumber slices and ice cubes in the glass, pour the shaker and topple with divin!
Preparation time
洗衣机酒馆 W.M.Mixologue en Chine

An amateur and deeply passionate mixologist, she animates her community on the Chinese social network Little Red Book every day!

With this cocktail, we have a feeling of freshness, really quenching for a ‘green’ summer!

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